Health Counseling
Since when did managing your health become a full-time job? You never expected to have to face this situation but here it is now – consuming all your energy while you’re also trying to get through the day-to-day stuff like working, buying groceries, or taking care of your home and family.
You’ve always prided yourself on being independent. But the truth is that you may need to ask for help and that’s not easy. You’re used to being the one that everyone else relies on. And you don’t know how to deal with this new version of you. You feel frustrated, angry, tired, terrified and a whole host of other emotions. You can’t remember the last time you got a good night’s sleep.
Or maybe there’s no one else to rely on. It’s just you. And you don’t know where to go or what to do from here.
The medical bills are coming in and that’s causing stress too. You feel like you need a medical degree just to keep up with what the doctors are telling you.
Lately, you find yourself socially withdrawing. You don’t want to be ‘that person’ who complains about how badly they feel but at the same time – everything hurts – and just going out to a restaurant to meet friends is a big deal, let alone the energy that it takes to pretend that everything is fine.
Whether you have a recent diagnosis or have a more chronic condition that you’ve been dealing with on your own for some time now, it can feel hard or even impossible on some days to function the way you used to. You try to push through but that’s just so hard and frustrating when you don’t feel well. Some days, it’s hard to not have a pity party for yourself. And that’s just not the version of you before all of this happened.
Here’s how Integrity Psychological Services Helps Adults with Health Counseling:
We’re a caring, friendly and non-judgy group of psychologists, counselors and therapists. We understand the challenges that you face as a result of your health condition and have therapists who specialize in this area.
Twenty million Americans (8%) have pain that interferes with their daily lives and 50 million (or 1 in 5) are contending with a chronic pain condition. You’re not alone!
Integrity Psychological Services specializes in the use of research-backed treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to assist with acute or chronic health conditions.

We have experience with many health conditions including diabetes, fibromyalgia, cancer, heart disease, COPD, stroke recovery, physical pain from hip/knee/shoulder injury and others.
In working with us, you can learn to better control or manage the pain, improve how you’re coping with the pain on a daily basis, improve sleep, decrease fearful thoughts about the pain/condition, and find a safe space to receive much needed emotional support. Sometimes, you just don’t want others in your life to know how badly you feel. Tell us instead – we’re here for you.
Call or email us today to set up an initial appointment with one of our therapists who specializes in the treatment of health conditions. We look forward to working with you.
And for those of you who like to nerd out on research like we do, check out our Evidence for Evidence-Based Therapy page to see why CBT, EMDR and Positive Psychology are all highly effective in the treatment of health conditions.